January Kickstart Challenge


Goal: Attend at least 12 live Moxie Fit classes between January 10th – 31st. That’s an average of 4 classes per week.


Prizes: One lucky winner will receive a 30min Virtual Personal Training Session with Mark Brown + a GRID Foam Roller! You can spend your time with Mark crafting the perfect personal workout, addressing injury issues and physical limitations, or just racking his brain about all things fitness and physiology. The foam roller is a great recovery tool that will come in handy after all of your hard work. 


Let’s get 2022 kickstarted! Now that all that jolly holiday chaos is over it’s time to get back at it and recommit to our health, fitness goals, and overall well being. Research shows that regular exercise can do amazing things for your body far beyond the benefits of weight management and muscle toning. It’s great for your cardiovascular health. For our strength and mobility. For our bone density and joint health. For our mental health and overall mood. For our sleep. For our immune system! Ultimately that’s what this challenge is all about: Helping you develop or recommit to a healthy, sustainable fitness lifestyle, and hopefully helping you build up some strength and endurance along the way. 


Here’s how it works: Come to class. We will track attendance using your Moxie Fit account. We’ll enter all eligible members into the drawing and select a name at random. Simple enough.


Good luck and happy sweating!